Safari parties weren’t entirely legal…We would scout for the most beautiful locations in the forests around Utrecht and send a sms-message to our fanbase with the coordinates. From there you have to find it for yourself. We called it a Forest-party, because the ambiance of this party concept should not be associated with an ‘illegal rave’.
The music and people are Tropical and on the ease. Every party was unique due to the locations, if you missed a Safari edition you really missed out. The Fomo was real!

What is Safari?
Together with Bert van der Beek en Jasper van den Boezem we organized the Safari parties from 2013-2017. Every edition was a one-time-only. We would go spot for locations and if we found a good spot we’d text the coordinations to our loyal fanbase. The only people aware of Safari are the people knowing about Safari..We did our best to keep it quiet.
A couple of highlights are:
The edition in the ACU with Chancha via Circuito, a big name in the Tropical scene. We also had a lot of more well-known DJ’s asking us if they could be invited to DJ for us as well.
We also had the honour to have a special DJ-set from Skip n Die at Festival de Beschaving (2016). The band Cookachoo performed in the middle of the Utrecht jungle. The Rooftopfissa on the rooftop of the Cinemec Cinema in Leidsche Reijn.
A secret stage at Festival De Beschaving (2015), the Safari Karavaan and much more.
The Showmans’ Fair festival invited us to host the afterparty on top of the Cinemec Cinema. Just 10 days in advance I was the only one of the Safari crew in The Netherlands at that time. In that small time frame I called some of my DJ friends and promoted the event. Due to our loyal fanbase it was a big succes, even though the party was just from 23:00-02:00. The Safari people know you can better come early and dance fast as you never know how long it will last..

Tour de Caravane
The Tour de Caravane is an enormous parade at the fore evenening of the Tour de France (2015). Every borough and neighbourhood is represented in this Caravane of Utrecht. We thought it would be great to join this Caravan together with the local refugee centre to welcome them into society. We worked together with the people of AZC Leersum and Utrecht. I gave some music workshop and my friends build the bikes.
We made it to the NOS news!